cameraAmount of parallel camera streams the accessory is capable of running. As of the official HAP specification non SecureVideo cameras have a minimum required amount of 2 (but 1 is also fine). Secure Video cameras just expose 1 stream.
Default value: 1
Delegate which handles the actual RTP/RTCP video/audio streaming and Snapshot requests.
recordingWhen supplying this option, it will enable support for HomeKit Secure Video. This will create the Service.CameraRecordingManagement, Service.CameraOperatingMode and Service.DataStreamTransportManagement services.
NOTE: The controller only initializes the required characteristics for the Service.CameraOperatingMode.
You may add optional characteristics, if required, by accessing the service directly CameraController.recordingManagement.operatingModeService
Delegate which handles the audio/video recording data streaming on motion.
Options regarding Recordings (Secure Video)
sensorsThis config section configures optional sensors for the camera. It e.g. may be used to set up a EventTriggerOption.MOTION trigger when configuring Secure Video.
You may either specify and provide the desired Services or specify their creation and maintenance using a boolean
In this case the controller will create and maintain the service for you.
Otherwise, when you supply an already created instance of the Service, you are responsible yourself to manage the service
(e.g. creating, restoring, adding to the accessory, ...).
The services can be accessed through the documented property after the call to Accessory.configureController has returned.
motion?: boolean | ServiceDefine if a Service.MotionSensor should be created/associated with the controller.
You may access the created service via the CameraController.motionService property to configure listeners.
If supplied, this sensor will be used as a EventTriggerOption.MOTION trigger. The characteristic Characteristic.StatusActive will be added, which is used to enable or disable the sensor.
occupancy?: boolean | ServiceDefine if a Service.OccupancySensor should be created/associated with the controller.
You may access the created service via the CameraController.occupancyService property to configure listeners.
The characteristic Characteristic.StatusActive will be added, which is used to enable or disable the sensor.
Options regarding video/audio streaming