Interface MDNSServerOptions

Defines the options passed to the underlying mdns server.

interface MDNSServerOptions {
    advertiseIpv4?: boolean;
    advertiseIpv6?: boolean;
    disableIpv6?: boolean;
    excludeIpv6Only?: boolean;
    interface?: string | string[];


advertiseIpv4?: boolean

If specified, the mDNS server will advertise on IPv4. Defaults to true.

advertiseIpv6?: boolean

If specified, the mDNS server will advertise on IPv6. Defaults to true.

disableIpv6?: boolean

If specified, the mdns server will not include any IPv6 (AAAA) address records. This option does not affect advertising on IPv6. Defaults to false.

excludeIpv6Only?: boolean

Do not advertise on IPv6-only networks. Defaults to false.

interface?: string | string[]

If specified, the mdns server will only listen on the specified interfaces (allowlist). It can be supplied as a string (representing a single interface) or as an array of strings to define multiple interfaces. The interface can be defined by specifying the interface name (like 'en0') or by specifying an ip address.