Function unparse

  • Returns the identity of the passed argument.


    • buf: string

      The string argument which is returned

    Returns string


    Most certainly the API you are using this function with changed from returning a Buffer to returning the actual uuid string. You can safely remove the call to unparse. Most certainly this call to unparse is located in you CameraSource which you converted from the old style CameraSource API to the new CameraControllers.

  • Parses the uuid as a string from the given Buffer. The parser will use the first 8 bytes.


    • buf: Buffer

      The buffer to read from.

    Returns string

  • Parses the uuid as a string from the given Buffer at the specified offset.


    • buf: Buffer

      The buffer to read from.

    • offset: number

      The offset in the buffer to start reading from.

    Returns string