This event is emitted when the active state of the remote has changed. active = true indicates that there is currently an Apple TV listening of button presses and audio streams.
This event is emitted when the currently selected target has changed. Possible reasons for a changed active identifier: manual change via api call, first target configuration gets added, active target gets removed, accessory gets unpaired, reset request was sent. An activeIdentifier of 0 indicates that no target is selected.
This event is emitted when a new target configuration is received. As we currently do not persistently store configured targets, this will be called at every startup for every Apple TV configured in the home.
This event is emitted when an existing configuration for a target was removed.
This event is emitted when an existing target was updated. The 'updates' array indicates what exactly was changed for the target.
This event is emitted when a reset of the target configuration is requested. With this event every configuration made should be reset. This event is also called when the accessory gets unpaired.