Service "Faucet"




Service Definitions




UUID: string
characteristics: Characteristic[] = []
displayName: string
iid: Nullable<number> = null
name: Nullable<string> = null
optionalCharacteristics: Characteristic[] = []
subtype?: string
UUID: string = "000000D7-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291"

Service Definitions

AccessCode: typeof AccessCode
AccessControl: typeof AccessControl
AccessoryInformation: typeof AccessoryInformation
AccessoryMetrics: typeof AccessoryMetrics
AccessoryRuntimeInformation: typeof AccessoryRuntimeInformation
AirPurifier: typeof AirPurifier
AirQualitySensor: typeof AirQualitySensor
AssetUpdate: typeof AssetUpdate
Assistant: typeof Assistant
AudioStreamManagement: typeof AudioStreamManagement
Battery: typeof Battery
BatteryService: typeof Battery


Please use Battery.

BridgeConfiguration: typeof BridgeConfiguration


Removed and not used anymore

BridgingState: typeof BridgingState


Removed and not used anymore

CameraControl: typeof CameraControl


This service has no usage anymore and will be ignored by iOS

CameraEventRecordingManagement: typeof CameraRecordingManagement


Please use CameraRecordingManagement.

CameraOperatingMode: typeof CameraOperatingMode
CameraRTPStreamManagement: typeof CameraRTPStreamManagement
CameraRecordingManagement: typeof CameraRecordingManagement
CarbonDioxideSensor: typeof CarbonDioxideSensor
CarbonMonoxideSensor: typeof CarbonMonoxideSensor
CloudRelay: typeof CloudRelay
ContactSensor: typeof ContactSensor
DataStreamTransportManagement: typeof DataStreamTransportManagement
Diagnostics: typeof Diagnostics
Door: typeof Door
Doorbell: typeof Doorbell
Fan: typeof Fan
Fanv2: typeof Fanv2
Faucet: typeof Faucet
FilterMaintenance: typeof FilterMaintenance
FirmwareUpdate: typeof FirmwareUpdate
GarageDoorOpener: typeof GarageDoorOpener
HeaterCooler: typeof HeaterCooler
HumidifierDehumidifier: typeof HumidifierDehumidifier
HumiditySensor: typeof HumiditySensor
InputSource: typeof InputSource
IrrigationSystem: typeof IrrigationSystem
LeakSensor: typeof LeakSensor
LightSensor: typeof LightSensor
Lightbulb: typeof Lightbulb
LockManagement: typeof LockManagement
LockMechanism: typeof LockMechanism
Microphone: typeof Microphone
MotionSensor: typeof MotionSensor
NFCAccess: typeof NFCAccess
OccupancySensor: typeof OccupancySensor
Outlet: typeof Outlet
Pairing: typeof Pairing
PowerManagement: typeof PowerManagement
ProtocolInformation: typeof ProtocolInformation
Relay: typeof CloudRelay


Please use CloudRelay.

SecuritySystem: typeof SecuritySystem
ServiceLabel: typeof ServiceLabel
Siri: typeof Siri
SiriEndpoint: typeof SiriEndpoint
Slat: typeof Slats


Please use Slats.

Slats: typeof Slats
SmartSpeaker: typeof SmartSpeaker
SmokeSensor: typeof SmokeSensor
Speaker: typeof Speaker
StatefulProgrammableSwitch: typeof StatefulProgrammableSwitch
StatelessProgrammableSwitch: typeof StatelessProgrammableSwitch
Switch: typeof Switch
TapManagement: typeof TapManagement
TargetControl: typeof TargetControl
TargetControlManagement: typeof TargetControlManagement
Television: typeof Television
TelevisionSpeaker: typeof TelevisionSpeaker
TemperatureSensor: typeof TemperatureSensor
Thermostat: typeof Thermostat
ThreadTransport: typeof ThreadTransport
TimeInformation: typeof TimeInformation


Removed and not used anymore

TransferTransportManagement: typeof TransferTransportManagement
Tunnel: typeof Tunnel
TunneledBTLEAccessoryService: typeof Tunnel


Please use Tunnel.

Valve: typeof Valve
WiFiRouter: typeof WiFiRouter
WiFiSatellite: typeof WiFiSatellite
WiFiTransport: typeof WiFiTransport
Window: typeof Window
WindowCovering: typeof WindowCovering


  • Adds a new link to the specified service. The service MUST be already added to the SAME accessory.


    • service: Service

      The service this service should link to

    Returns void

  • Returns an id which uniquely identifies a service on the associated accessory. The serviceId is a concatenation of the UUID for the service (defined by HAP) and the subtype (could be empty) which is programmatically defined by the programmer.


    the serviceId

    Returns string

  • This updates the value by calling the SET event handler associated with the characteristic. This acts the same way as when a HomeKit controller sends a /characteristics request to update the characteristic. An event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.

    This method behaves like a updateValue call with the addition that the own SET event handler is called.

    Type Parameters


    Returns Service

  • Sets the state of the characteristic to an errored state.

    If a onGet or GET handler is set up, the errored state will be ignored and the characteristic will always query the latest state by calling the provided handler.

    If a generic error object is supplied, the characteristic tries to extract a HAPStatus code from the error message string. If not possible a generic SERVICE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE will be used. If the supplied error object is an instance of HapStatusError the corresponding status will be used.

    This doesn't call any registered onSet or SET handlers.

    Have a look at the Presenting Erroneous Accessory State to the User guide for more information on how to present erroneous state to the user.

    Type Parameters


    • name: string | T

      The name or the constructor of the desired Characteristic.

    • error: Error | HapStatusError

      The error object

      Note: Erroneous state is never pushed to the client side. Only, if the HomeKit client requests the current state of the Characteristic, the corresponding HapStatusError is returned. As described above, any onGet or GET handlers have preference.

    Returns Service

  • Marks the service as hidden


    • isHidden: boolean = true

      optional boolean (default true) if the service should be marked hidden

    Returns void

  • Sets this service as the new primary service. Any currently active primary service will be reset to be not primary. This will happen immediately, if the service was already added to an accessory, or later when the service gets added to an accessory.


    • isPrimary: boolean = true

      optional boolean (default true) if the service should be the primary service

    Returns void