Class DataStreamServer

DataStreamServer which listens for incoming tcp connections and handles identification of new connections


  • EventEmitter
    • DataStreamServer



preparedSessions: PreparedDataStreamSession[] = []
version: "1.0"


  • Registers a new event handler to handle incoming event messages. The handler is only called for a connection if for the give protocol no ProtocolHandler was registered on the connection level.


    • protocol: string

      name of the protocol to register the handler for

    • event: string

      name of the event (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)

    • handler: GlobalEventHandler

      function to be called for every occurring event

    Returns this

  • Registers a new request handler to handle incoming request messages. The handler is only called for a connection if for the give protocol no ProtocolHandler was registered on the connection level.


    • protocol: string

      name of the protocol to register the handler for

    • request: string

      name of the request (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)

    • handler: GlobalRequestHandler

      function to be called for every occurring request

    Returns this

  • Removes a registered event handler.


    • protocol: string

      name of the protocol to unregister the handler for

    • event: string

      name of the event (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)

    • handler: GlobalEventHandler

      registered event handler

    Returns this

  • Removes a registered request handler.


    • protocol: string

      name of the protocol to unregister the handler for

    • request: string

      name of the request (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)

    • handler: GlobalRequestHandler

      registered request handler

    Returns this